With the terrible devastation in Louisiana, Mississippi, Florida and Alabama, I am moved at the tremendous outpouring of support from people all over the country who are opening their homes to displaced refugees in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. Visit WINDOWS TO WELLNESS – my radio program – to learn about what you can do to help in the current effort.
There are millions of stories that are just waiting to be written. Stories of loss, courage, bravery, love and support. Millions are currently going through their dark night of the soul . Losing members of their families. Losing their homes. Losing their beloved pets. Not having an income. Not having food or clothing. Facing an uncertain future.
Writing about your experience could be one of the most healing things you could do at this time. This is the time to write – wherever and whenever you can. This is the time to remember those experiences that changed your life. This is the time to get those emotions out on paper and to open your heart. Set your clear intention: to find the comfort that you need, to find a meaningful way to contribute, to fully recover, and to experience peace. Holding you in the highest light. Blessings, love and Namaste!
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